

Shared contacts

Like the phone book we all used to have at home. There are some phone numbers that are not used often but are useful to have in case that something unexpected happens

Save and share the contacts of your colleagues, customers or suppliers, the school or the doorman so that all members of your dommuss can have them if they need them.

For each contact you can include the telephone number, the e-mail, physical addresses or web addresses.

Dommuss app

  • Each contact you write or modify will immediately notify the rest of the dommuss members.
  • You can click on the phone to call directly.
  • If you click on the e-mail, an email to that person will be opened.
  • If you click on the address, your map application will open to tell you where it is.
  • Finally, if you click on the website, it will open directly in your mobile browser.
  • Thanks to the powerful permission system, you can decide which dommuss members can access or edit the contact list. In this case, if you have someone who helps with the children, it can be very useful to give him or her access to this module so that they have important emergency contacts at hand.

Additionally, if you are a Dommuss PLUS user:

  • You can create all the contact lists you want. For example, one for clients and another for suppliers. One of the contacts of the house (doorman, plumber) and another one with the addresses to send the Christmas postcards.
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